My style – OOTD: My today’s look: Laid-Back September Start. Today september starts, fall is near. I’m so happy that this first day of september is a real hot day. Weather forecast told that it will be the last one before a long dark, cold and rainy time will begin. So what else can I do than enjoying the sun at the lake and doing some of my work right in the nature? After that I will relax with some great september fashion reading, glamour germany magazine. Today I wear my old Juicy Couture hippie skirt which is totally on trend this season. I combine it with a beautiful black top with embrodery details, my tattoo choker and my beloved skull and feather festival style necklace which I bought in Florida during one of my holidays. A hint of luxury will complete my today’s look with this gorgeous cute small bag by Versace Jeans. Love this kind of look so much! Hope you do so too!
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