Smile and Find Peace and Happiness In Yourself
While it was snowing in my living room today, I found a quote, which I really like:

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Is this snow real?
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Yes what’s real or not is an important part of this post. Over the last years I read a lot of buddhism and psychology books about happiness. I started reading those books by for example Matthieu Ricard, Jorge Bucay, Ryan Holiday and others after my father’s early death in 2015. Because psychology was part of my academic studies at university, it always was and is one of the sciences, which interests me the most. Questions like, ‘Does reality exist?’, ‘What is happiness?’ and ‘Where do I find it?’ ‘Can we change our mind?’ always fascinated me. I try to answer them in a very short version. You and shop my favorite books at the end of this post too …
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